This is a quick shot of the Observatory. I wanted to test the Canon 5DSR, so I hiked up the mountain overlooking Los Angeles. This was my first time up, and wow, what a view!
If you ever visit Los Angeles, this is something you must do. Just bring a long lens. I shot this with the Canon 70-200 but did a pretty mean crop. But hey, that’s what having 50 megapixels is for, right?
There are also many different angles from many different places where you can shoot this. This is just the first one I picked.
Working with these giant RAW files is a major pain. I’m not sure if Lightroom doesn’t love the Canon RAW files yet (I’ve heard there are still issues), but it is chugging.
The same is true with the Sony A7r II, but it’s not as bad. Even in Photoshop, simple things like brushing in an adjustment layer are a major time sink.
Having a bazillion megapixels is nice, but it puts a major dent in the efficiency and speed of your workflow.

Location: Griffith Observatory
Camera: Canon 5DS R
Lens: Canon 70-200mm f2.8L IS II
ISO 320, f5.6, 13.0sec