In the city of Hakodate, Japan, you can ride a gondola up to the top of a nearby mountain and see the view of the city. It’s a pretty popular and spectacular view, except it’s insanely crowded.
Japan, especially Hokkaido, has become a hotspot for Chinese tourism. They’re looking to escape the air pollution that plagues most of Asia. Can’t blame them either, well yeah I guess you can. It’s mostly their fault.
That’s one great thing about North America; it’s like the Garden of Eden compared to Asia in terms of air quality.
Shot On The Fuji X-T1 – Hakodate
I bracketed this shot with three exposures and processed it in Photomatix and Lightroom. I probably didn’t need to shoot it HDR.
I’ve also been applying VSCO or RNI film simulator looks to my HDR and Landscape photos before processing them. It’s been giving me interesting results that I couldn’t get otherwise.
Camera: Fuji X-T1
Lens: Fujinon 56mm f1.2 R
HDR, 3 shots +-EV
ISO 200, f8, 1/13sec