I meant to get back into some of my photos from Hawaii, but I’ve just been so busy doing all the Fuji X100 T-tests and reviews that I keep forgetting.
I got some nice shots in Hawaii; it’s almost too easy when you go to such an amazing place like that. Every place you go and everywhere you look is a potential great shot, especially on the big island.
About The Shot – “Above The Sky”
This photo is from the top of Mount Kilauea near the observatories. Going to those altitudes when you’ve only brought clothes for a tropical vacation is not smart. It was extremely cold, sub-freezing, and very windy. I cross-dressed with my wife’s sweatshirt while she waited in the car. Somehow, don’t ask, but it fits me, sort of. But I could still only shoot in five minutes before returning to the car to warm up.
I guess I got that thin California blood now. There was a time in my life, I guess, back in high school, when I lived in Colorado at nine thousand feet, and I could have easily brushed off these conditions. There, the Winters were often sub-zero, very dry and windy, and I still had to walk home from the bus, uphill, in the snow, with nothing more than a flannel and jeans. Or something like that 🙂 But it’s a true story, seriously! And I can’t wait to tell my grandkids about it!

Camera: Sony A7r
Lens: Canon 24-70mm f2.8L @ 70mm
ISO 100, f/8, 1/6sec