The other night, I was in Santa Barbara taking photos around the Pier. I’m slowly collecting all the piers of Southern California. While walking down to get a nice wide shot of the pier, I looked across this dirty little inlet lagoon thing that smelled really bad and saw all these trees and this little lighthouse perfectly reflecting across the water. So careful not to touch the water of this dirty smelly lagoon inlet thing with my tripod I got my camera really low and was able to get this. It was really the perfect time of night.
There is something about beach photography that I bet people never realize when looking at these photos. It’s how dirty and soaked I always get with nasty seawater. Usually, my jeans get wet, and I’m covered with grimy, salty dirt by the end of the day. I was actually doing some photography the other day that was not at the beach, and I wasn’t getting all dirty and wet. Made me feel like I was doing something wrong. However, my tripod now has a permanent dirty salt residue on it, and it makes my hands feel grimy after handling it.