This photo was taken at Bryce Canyon Utah. This was my first time at this location. Never really knew much about it growing up since the Grand Canyon always takes all the glory. But I think this place is more interesting than the Grand Canyon. It’s not as epic but definitely more interesting.
The Hoodoos of the Bryce Canyon I’ve noticed always seem to look best with a little snow around them. So my goal was to hit it in the winter which can be a risk in Utah at this altitude. Luckily we had clear skies and missed any bad snowstorms.
The rock formations in this photo are known as Hoodoos and they are called The Legend People among the Native Americans.
Issues With The Metabones Canon EF to E Mount Adapter III
I started having some issues with my Metabone adapter this trip. This is the adapter that allows me to use my Canon lenses on my Sony A7r. The problem was, I could not adjust my aperture through the camera. It would just blink. I also had a problem with it shooting everything several stops too dark. At first, I thought I had I had a bad adapter and it nearly ruined my trip, then I discovered that there are a few screws on the base mount. When these get even slightly loose the lenses start to give you issues, and I forgot to bring my tools to fix it. All through Zion, I would have to continually use my knife to retighten these screws which were really slowing my photography down.
All and all I’m not really happy with the adapter. The focus is too slow and unreliable. If I was going to get a camera just for landscape photography I’d probably get the Nikon D800E. However, I still shoot a lot of travel photography so the light and compactness of the A7r make it a better choice for me. Especially with the Zeiss 35mm lens.